Exceptions to Exceptional Banquet

From Exceptions to Exceptional Banquet

Save the Date
December 13, 2018

An eye opening event that will honor the lives of amazing rape conceived persons as well as mothers who conceived after rape.

You’ll get a chance to see these humans as they truly are …exceptional people loving life and humanity and nothing like the criminals that attacked their mothers.

The banquet will raise awareness and funds to help mothers and children of rape conception during pregnancy and long afterwards. Currently there are 62 girls in need since we helped rescue them in November last year plus the many more in need each month who contact us.

It’s heartbreaking to always hear people talk about rape conceived persons as though they are the criminals. Of over 100 people I know conceived in rape the adults are making huge contributions to society as doctors, serving in the military, law enforcement, humanitarians, pastors, worship leaders, chemist, professor, teachers and more.

This event will be live streamed to give everyone an opportunity to see truth. Our goal is to one day have rapists punished and women and children protected. Maybe this event will help change the hearts of many.

It will be a night to remember!! Details and ticket info coming soon.