Washington, DC
Rape Conception Myth Busters
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Sponsored by CHOICES4LIFE CONTACT: Juda Myers 281.451.8460 or info@old.choices4life.net
WHERE: Renaissance Hotel 999 9th St NW, Washington, DC 20001, Meeting Room Mount Vernon AB
WHEN: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
WHY: There are many opinions about rape conception but you’ll learn the truth from those who know: mothers and children of rape conception. Attend the Match for Life 2015 and be equipped with truth to answer questions like “won’t the mom think of her attacker?” and “how can a child live knowing how they were conceived?” Never be at a loss for words again in your pro-life defense of ALL life.
If you are a mother or child of rape conception please join us at the March for Life 2015 in DC to voice the truth about life. Too often the prejudice goes unchallenged and victims suffer in silence. But united we can make a difference. Our time has come and already we are making a difference. Those of us who can speak out must speak for those who can’t. If you are a mother who has known the insults and abuse from loving your rape conceived child then I know you want this to stop for every mother who chooses life for her rape conceived child.
We are organizing a group of people with rape conception stories to stand with other groups so that the world can see us and know we are not “rare.” Please email info@old.choices4life.net for hotel information and other information about the March. Your voice matters for life!
OUR SPEAKERS at March for Life