These links are only made available to you as an FYI.We may not fully endorse all content on each site but we have found something useful and would like to pass that on to you. You must determine for yourself if it is of benefit. If it useful to you, God bless and if not please email us with your comments. If you have a link that you think should be added please send it to us.
Are you Pregnant By Rape, Suicidal or Had an Abortion?
Know that God loves you. The evil done to you is not from God. But babies are. What if God wants to take the focus off the crime against you? A baby needs your love. You need love too. You will be a hero if you save the life of your baby. Think about that. Even if you place your child for adoption you are still the hero. And you are not alone. See others who are heroes.If you need someone to talk to please feel free to email confidential email.I know you have so many needs. We are diligently working on ways to help. The website is new so please check back daily as we add more information.We are researching other groups for support. If you are a group that can offer help please contact us and we will add your information here.
Know that God (Jesus, Yeshua, Messiah) loves you. Many of us have found that He is a great source for strength, wisdom, and much love.
If You Are Suicidal:
If You Are Pregnant After Rape: 281.451.8460
Additional Resources:
Substance Use + Pregnancy:
Rehab Center/addiction-pregnancy-guide/
Great info to help share truth about life in the womb.Answers to the “Burning Building analogy” and more
American Right To Life
Seeing is Believing:
If you Had an Abortion:
founded by Nona Ellington, knows the pain of abortion after rape.