
We Are Human was written and sung by Juda Myers who was conceived when 8 men raped her mother.
It’s a heartfelt plea to the world for acknowledgement of the right to be born and that mothers love their children after rape . All proceeds go to help victims of rape who are pregnant or raising rape conceived children. Words to the song here.

Pro Life Without Exception

Every question answered and every myth dispelled in this powerful 1 hr documentary. From the 12 year old pregnant after incest to the ectopic pregnancy, real life testimonies will give you a view of truth like never before. Have movie night at your church and share life changing truths. Distribute them to your local pregnancy centers. Share with legislators and schools. Share them with anyone who believes abortion is necessary.For a donation of $20 each Free Shipping * Call for bulk discount.

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Hostile Conception Living With Purpose by Juda Myers

Not only one woman’s story of life after the assault of eight men but many other stories and a compelling invitation to know freedom through forgiveness. Comes with free audio download version. Donation of $15 includes shipping

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