It’s said that over a million people marched in DC in the March for Life to proclaim life for those in the womb. Pro lifers of all beliefs including atheists along with the Vice President of the US will be braving the cold. You may be one of them or you may support them. But there is a dark side of this industry that must be addressed: Exceptions! This is a rape conceived letter to pro lifers, Christians, & US leaders.
She gave birth on Valentine’s Day, forced to place me for adoption to keep me safe.
My own mother was raped by 8 men on a street corner in St. Louis, MO and left for dead. She survived the rape but never got over her mother’s disbelief. Pregnant with me my mother was tormented and pressured to abort me in 1956 by her mother, her dr, and society but she fought for my life and I am forever grateful. She gave birth on Valentine’s Day, forced to place me for adoption to keep me safe. She prayed for 48 years for my return.
Choices4Life has even contributed financially to the funeral needs of one mother. Honor shouldn’t stop at delivery or when children are adults. Their constant desire is be believed 2 and for people to treat them and their children with respect. They are re-traumatized over and over by comments and verbal as well as physical attacks. Several of those helped by Choices4Life have been relocated to different states to protect their lives from family and/or rapists. Yet society is oblivious to their needs.
Mothers’ Day
Real lives are being offered as sacrifice
End Abortion Without Exceptions
Logical reasoning (for those who are not of biblical persuasions) for ending exceptions as a means to abolish abortion.
5. We speak of tolerance and equal rights but continue to violate human rights in heinous ways against the rape conceived and mothers.
More Reasons
For those of biblical persuasion:
More Verses
And if those were not enough how about this one little known fact:
To US LEADERS: Justice for Rape Conceived
Matthew 18:12