Conceived In Rape Abortion History

Abortion is Rape Conceived Genocide

This year marks 51 years of legalized abortion in the United States. Conceived in rape abortion history really started in 1959 with a model. Before 1959 it seems  persons conceived in rape were protected in the United States along with other persons in the womb. January is the month for recognizing abortion on demand and March for Life in many cities. Most will not mention conceived in rape abortion history. Most people don’t even know that abortion started for the execution of rape conceived.



From Journal of Criminal Law and Criminology:

The first state to enact an abortion law was Connecticut in 1821.This statute made it unlawful to attempt to abort a fetus by poison after quickening and was punishable by life imprisonment. In 1830 the statute was amended to include attempts to abort a fetus by means other than the use of drugs, but these attempts

were unlawful only if done after quickening. 30 years later the statute was further extended to include attempts on any woman, whether she was actually pregnant or not, with the:intent, to induce abortion. The punishment was reduced to one to five years imprisonment, but more significantly, the statute made an exception for acts “necessary to preserve the life of such woman.”




In Ken Wilson, M.D.’s book The Moral Mandate to Vote he quotes the American Medical Association.

“As early as 1859, members of the American Medical Association (AMA) pushed for legislation against abortion because it desired the law to match the medical facts that human life begins at conception. Marvin Olasky quotes the Transactions of the AMA in 1859, when he writes:

… major victory came in 1859 when the American Medical Association committee he chaired attacked the “heinous guilt of criminal abortion,” recognized the culpability of doctors who were “careless of foetal life,” and noticed that “grave defects of our laws.” The Committee was specific in its recommendation that the AMA declare abortion to be not a misdemeanor but “murderous destruction”…passage by full AMA, however, referred to “unwarrantable destruction of human life,”…[and] asked that state legislatures “revise” laws concerning abortions and take other action “as they in their wisdom may deem necessary.”





Wilson goes on to say:
AMA transactions read, “we had to deal with human life… No other doctrine appears to be consonant with reason and physiology but that which admits the embryo to possess vitality from the very moment of conception.”  That was written over a hundred years ago proven by science and further proven by ultrasound.  Then in 1873 legislation was passed to prohibit abortion in American territories and in all states by the late 19th century.




Yet with science, medicine, and visual observance making clear humans begin at the beginning conception or more specifically fertilization. There has never been seen any difference in a rape conceived fetus -baby in the womb- than any other human in or outside the womb. However for thousands of years the rape conceived has gotten more undeserved punishment than any other human on earth.



100 years after the AMA urged congress in 1859 to ban abortions:

1959 Abortion Roots: American Law Institute moves to execute babies conceived in rape

In 1959, the American Law Institute (ALI) produced a model abortion law that allowed “therapeutic” abortions in cases of endangerment to life or health, rape, incest, or fetal deformity. “Legal reformers” in ALI thought it “therapeutic” to murder innocent humans? Did they not know murder is a worse crime than rape and that moral law says executing the innocent is wrong? Add to that making a woman become the mother of a dead baby is far from “therapeutic.”




Mother’s Day 1966

On a day to honor motherhood legislators in MS. left mothers and wives to sign a law allowing mothers to execute their babies in the womb for “rape and incest.” Incest is rape but this distinct separation adds insult to anyone raped by a relative. An amendment to report the rape before an abortion was struck down. Rumor has it that this law was really about destroying the lives. May 8, Mothers Day 2016 marked the 50th anniversary of the first abortion and the legalized execution of rape conceived. Targeted mothers and children of rape conception along with supporters marched around the capital building in Jackson, MS. that day. Mothers were honored for staying strong against the prejudice towards them and their children conceived in rape.




April 25, 1967 Colorado passed their own laws legalizing execution of “rape and incest” human beings in the womb. There were opponents who actually called the law “legalized murder.”
May 9, 1967 North Carolina passed a similar law concerning rape. The Chicago Tribune barely made mention of it deep within the pages of their newspaper.
Brief mention first abortion law in NC




June 15, 1967

The National Review calls it “Reagan’s darkest hour.”  The highly loved Ronald Reagan took a gamble that cost the lives of countless innocent babies in the womb.  As stated on Today In Civil Liberties History, Gov. Ronald Reagan on this day signed the California Therapeutic Abortion Law, which at the time was one of the early liberalized state abortion laws. He signed it as part of a promise to some GOP legislators, not expecting the legislature would actually pass it. He quickly regretted signing the law, however, when he learned how many abortions were being performed, and he did not support an attempt to liberalize it even further.

They also go on to state: So, it is not true that Reagan was really “pro-choice” while governor, as some people believe.

But he was responsible. Why would he even sign a bill “as part of a promise to some GOP legislators?”  Negotiating the lives of rape conceived as well as others has been the continuing heinous crime of many. Today we have regulations for when, how and to whom the taking of innocent life may happen. Rape and incest remain a common target for execution. Reagan’s words may have said “pro life” but actions speak louder than words. Later in 1976, Reagan saw murder of rape conceived because that seemed to be a logical extension of the “self‐defense” theory, although the mother’s life no longer was endangered. The child conceived in rape is not fighting to destroy the mothers life as the rapist was.


[dropshadowbox align=”center” effect=”lifted-both” width=”auto” height=”” background_color=”#ffffff” border_width=”1″ border_color=”#dddddd” ] Ronald Reagan: “We cannot pretend that America is preserving her first and highest ideal, the belief that each life is sacred, when we’ve permitted the deaths of 15 million…”[/dropshadowbox]



Then in 1984 Reagan gave a speech that included the following statements:

“God’s most blessed gift to His family is the gift of life. He sent us the Prince of Peace as a babe in a manger. I’ve said that we must be cautious in claiming God is on our side. I think the real question we must answer is, are we on His side?

I know what I’m about to say now is controversial, but I have to say it. This nation cannot continue turning a blind eye and a deaf ear to the taking of some 4,000 unborn children’s lives every day. That’s one every 21 seconds. One every 21 seconds.

We cannot pretend that America is preserving her first and highest ideal, the belief that each life is sacred, when we’ve permitted the deaths of 15 million helpless innocents since the Roe versus Wade decision-15 million children who will never laugh, never sing, never know the joy of human love, will never strive to heal the sick, feed the poor, or make peace among nations. Abortion has denied them the first and most basic of human rights. We are all infinitely poorer for their loss.”



Like many other people who say they are pro life Reagan did not act like God created the rape conceived baby. The conceived in rape abortion history is solid with people not even knowing that what they are saying goes in contradiction to their actions. Are we excluded from “sacred” humanity? Reagan did not acknowledge the hundreds of thousands of children conceived in rape who will never laugh, never sing. And while they may not know the joy of human love having been executed, there are many mothers who loved their babies but were forced to abort. Those mothers will never hear their baby laugh or sing.


Mother loves rape conceived son


Kali would argue with anyone about the value of her son’s life. At fourteen she fought for her son conceived in rape and has no regrets. She loves everything about him, his laughter, his love. He helped her heal from the rape – not what society says!

Many moms don’t have this privilege. The prejudice against babies conceived in rape emboldens society to apply pressure to abort.

Kali’s doctor wasn’t fully interested in saving her son but she pressed on refusing to give up. With the support of loving parents Kali was able to save her baby.

View video.




1968 Georgia and Maryland follow with their own laws legalizing execution of babies in the womb. Conceived in rape was reason as their laws were based on the “model” of the ALI

1969 brought about  five more states following that “model” – Arkansas, Delaware, Kansas, New Mexico and Oregon

1970 Hawaii, New York, Alaska and Washington threw out their abortion laws and allowed abortion on demand. November 3, 1970, the people actually voted in Washington approving Referendum 20 for any abortion up to four months.

1972 Florida abandoned their abortion laws and followed ALI’s model.



100 years from 1873 when abortion was banned in American territories:

1973 Supreme Court “makes law” abortion legal.
(note:Congress ONLY is legally able to make laws)

Supreme Court is unable to make laws according to the United States Constitution. Yet January 22, 1973 abortion on demand “became law.” It was based on the Roe Vs Wade court case which was based on lies of rape conception. Now those conceived in rape are the negotiating tool for most laws passed even in this day. Norma McCorvey, the Roe of Roe Vs Wade, was said to be pregnant after rape and needed “privacy” to end the child’s life. She was not raped and proceeded to give birth to a daughter she placed for adoption. But the country would be flowing with the blood of all innocents not just the rape conceived.

For the past 50 years the rape conceived have been legally executed for rape. As as far back as 1959 the plot for execution of the rape conceived began. It is perpetuated by laws that make a mockery of protection of all life. Laws having exceptions for “rape and incest” are hate crimes.



1976 Hyde Amendment
Hyde Amendment



Many are cheering President Trump‘s banning funds for abortion and saying the Hyde Amendment will become “permanent.”  Once again the execution of rape conceived is sanctioned by those who claim to be “pro life.” There are however bold legislators willing to literally risk their own life to defend all life without exception. Texas Representative Tony filed bill HB 948 – A BILL TO BE ENTITLED AN ACT relating to prohibiting abortion and recognizing the rights,powers, and privileges of all unborn children at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth; affecting criminal offenses and penalties. This bill has no exceptions to execute the rape conceived or anyone else in the womb.

Missouri Representative Mike Moon filed House Bill 709 and House Joint Resolution 18 stating  “That the term “person” under this constitution includes every human being, including every unborn human child at every stage of biological development from the moment of conception until birth.  Nothing in this constitution secures or protects a right to abortion or requires the funding of an abortion.”

You can watch Rep. Moon’s video




Refusal To Protect Rape Conceived

Sadly Rep. Moon like many other true life defenders is being opposed by a Right to Life organization. This has happened so many times. I really think abortion would have been abolished by now if it weren’t for “pro life” organizations opposing complete bans on abortion. They are fighting more for keeping their careers than ending the slaughter of innocent babies. As with National Right to Life (“oldest and largest pro life organization”) parent company to so many, they refuse to protect the rape conceived. As long as there is one unprotected child in the womb all are at risk of execution.



Please become active and support lawmakers who support life without exceptions. Your encouragement goes a long way. Rape conceived and our mother deserves the right to life free from humiliation and attempted murder. Contact information below for further help in stopping hate crimes against the rape conceived and mothers.

Join us to end hate crimes against those conceived in rape and our mothers.


Juda Myers founder of Choices4Life, international speaker/singer, author, artist, mother, grandmother, wife and child of God.

“I wasn’t even on the planet at the time of the crime.
The rapists if caught wouldn’t even be executed.
Stop hate crimes against rape conceived.”





























1 thought on “Conceived In Rape Abortion History”

  1. Pingback: Mother Writes To Bill Maher After His Comment “I Hope You Enjoy Carrying Your Rape Baby To Term” – Choices4Life

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