Feelings Towards Your Child
Nothing’s Impossible
Quotes That Make You Think

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What to Say
So many times questions are asked about rape conception such as “what if the baby looks like the rapist” and we are struck with fear that we won’t have a compassionate answer. It would seem that society has put in our minds what women would and should feel about babies conceived in rape. But through my research I’ve found that women ....
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Hate Crimes Against Rape Conceived
This “treatment of abortions” is inhumane treatment of the most defenseless of humans. But to separate some humans is a hate crime against rape and incest conceived persons. If abortion is wrong ABORTION IS WRONG. There are no exceptions.

Daughter Conceived in Rape: What Motherhood Means To Me
The myth expects one to believe her life is ruined and of no value after rape, especially with a child resulting from that rape. Myths are being busted wide open and Wendi leads in example. What Motherhood Means To Me echos the voice of countless mothers of children conceived in rape.

Remembering My Birth Mom, Pregnant After Gang Raped
Society’s rejection of children conceived in rape weighed heavy on me. Even some of the most active “pro life” people hold exceptions for abortions in cases of rape. The life I was given is a gift from God and a gift from my mother, sustained by my adoptive parents. Just the fact that I was adopted led me to believe society had won and my mother had rejected me after I was born. But that was completely untrue.

Trump To “Permanently” Allow Killing Children Conceived In Rape
Donald Trump wants to “permanently” allow killing children conceived in rape.
Girl Pregnant: Gang Raped For Being Christian
In parts of Africa where many people follow Islam, it is common for girls to be raped for being a Christian. One girl fell victim but refused to remain a victim.
Alabama Hospital Helps DHR kidnap baby from 14 Year Old Rape Victim
by Terri LaPoint Health Impact News Juda Myers of Choices4Life calls her a “Hero Mom.” A 14 year old Alabama girl became pregnant from a rape, but she courageously chose