pro life

One Choice Saves 4 Lives

Tiffany was sitting outside an abortion clinic. She had used almost all of her money to travel by bus to get to this clinic that was open on Sunday.  Her little 2 year old was with her. Tiffany was texting in a group. She told them that she had been raped and she was now pregnant.

What Mothers Say About Their Rape Conceived Children Is Not What Society Says

What mothers say about their rape conceived children is not what society says. But it’s time to stop talking about us, against us and for us. It’s time to hear what our mothers have to say about us. Too many mothers are being hurt listening to the lies and rhetoric used by the left for excuse used for abortions. While all mothers are not free to speak publicly I asked a secret group to tell me their thoughts about their children. They want people to know the truth and stop speaking for them.

House Bill Passed to Defund Planned Parenthood: Cheers and Tears

A House bill passed to defund Planned Parenthood. While there were many cheers, tears flowed behind closed doors. One people group has been neglected, ignored and even condemned for absolutely no reason for all of this planet’s history. Justice has never been served on their behalf as a whole. Lawmakers showed they were willing to …

House Bill Passed to Defund Planned Parenthood: Cheers and Tears Read More »